concept of dental bridge keep falling out

Why Does My Dental Bridge Keep Falling Out?

Dental bridges are effective restorative dentistry treatments designed to “bridge” the gap between missing teeth. Often, bridges are supported by implants or dental adhesive, meaning it is very difficult for them to fall out. While they can last patients many many years, some folks who have visited their dentist in Pomona have come to ask: … Read more

Technical shots of model on a dental prothetic laboratory

What Types of Dental Bridges are Available?

Did you know that the American Dental Association estimates that adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have three decayed or missing teeth on average? For those who fall into that statistic, you may be wondering what types of dental bridges are available to you. Fortunately, there are a variety of solutions to get … Read more

A dentist / dental technician placing the fixed partial denture ( the dental bridge) on the implants.

Different Types of Dental Bridges?

  If you are missing a tooth or several consecutive teeth, dental bridges help to conceal the gap and give you a more attractive smile. They also prevent nearby teeth from shifting into the open spot, which could eventually cause problems with your bite and alignment. Because dental bridges are a more conservative approach to … Read more

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