

young boy with toy plane

Chewing Gum is a good idea or a bad habit. Good or Bad

A regular Brushing and flossing is the best to do help to keep your teeth healthy. If we ask our self what if a chewing gum will help to preventive us from an embarrassing situation when we don’t have the tooth brush or the floss, chewing gum will replace hygiene only as temporary emergency, but … Read more

young girl undergoing dental treatment

Fluoride: The Cavity Fighter

Your mouth is constantly fighting acids & other sugars that can lead to tooth decay. The use of Fluoride can play a big role in preventing cavities & strengthening the enamel of your teeth. The most common and natural source of fluoride can be found in your tap water & some foods. There are many … Read more

two images of woman holding hands against face, image on left is in color, image on right is in black and white

Periodontal Disease may affect general health

WHAT IS GUM DISEASE OR PERIODONTAL DISEASE? Is a silent, persistent bacterial infection around the gums and the bone that support the teeth Some indication that you may have an infection: Pain while chewing Red, swollen and tender gums Gums that bleed after brushing or flossing Persistent bad breath and Loose teeth A major cause … Read more

graphic of toothpaste holding sign that says "baby teeth" in one hand and toothbrush in the other hand

Baby teeth are important!

These “Baby teeth” are necessary for a child to chew and speak. But baby teeth serve another Important purpose they keep room for the child’s future permanent teeth. The first baby teeth, known as primary teeth, appear as early as 3-4 months of age, but really start to come out through the gums between the … Read more

young woman placing hand against mouth, pained expression. text reads: "pain is the common side effect of any orthodontic treatment because an amount of force is needed t properly position a misaligned bite."

Managing Invisalign pain

Aside from traditional dental braces (consists of metal wires and brackets) Invisalign is used to correct a misaligned bite or malocclusion. Invisalign are custom fitted clear aligners used to manage malocclusion. They are also known as invisible braces because they are hardly noticeable by people around you. Pain is the most common side effect of … Read more

woman smiling, as various options for dental veneer are held up by a dentist

Taking care of your dental veneers

Dental veneers are often the go-to solution of those who wanted to improve their teeth’s appearance. They are used to fix broken or chipped teeth, misaligned teeth and even stained teeth. Dental veneers are made from wafer-thin materials that are placed over and bonded to the outer lining of the teeth. Most veneers are made … Read more

happy woman pulling floss from the box that has floss in it, smiling. text reads: "with so many advancements in dental technology, a lot of cosmetic dental procedures were made possible."

Different types of cosmetic dental treatments

Cosmetic dentistry refers to a field in dentistry which focuses in the improvement of the physical appearance of the patient’s teeth and gums. With so many advancements in dental technology, a lot of cosmetic dental procedures were made possible. Types of cosmetic treatments in dentistry are: Addition of a dental material to the teeth or … Read more

dentist with protective goggles operating on patient with ultraviolet light,

Different types of dental fillings for your dental cavity

Dental cavities are product of poor oral hygiene and poor eating habits. When the sugar left from the food eaten combines with the bacteria residing in the plaques in your teeth, they produce acid that will wear down your tooth’s enamel, thus making them prone for cavities. In order to manage these cavities, dental fillings … Read more

model of human jaw showing missing teeth with gaps filled by dental bridges, with text: "dental bridges are one of the many restorative options available to replace your missing teeth."

Advantages and risks in choosing a dental bridge to replace a missing tooth.

Dental bridges are one of the many restorative options available to replace your missing teeth. As the name implies, the dental bridge is used to ‘bridge’ the gap caused by tooth loss between the teeth. This dental appliance is consist of three crowns – the two crowns located at both ends of the appliance serve … Read more

child in dentist's chair smiling and dentist who is inspecting his smile.

Different dentists for different oral health problems

Dentistry is one of many disciplines under medicine that specializes with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of different oral health problems. It encompasses the health of one’s dentition, oral mucosa, and other structures in the maxillofacial area. Since dentistry is a wide discipline, it branches out into different fields which requires different specialist. These specialists … Read more

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