

happy couple smiling

How Can Cosmetic Dental Treatments Help You?

There are many cosmetic dentistry treatments available to assist you in improving the appearance of your smile, and you’ll love the confidence you’ll feel that comes from it.

Valid Reasons Why You Should Choose Invisalign

Invisalign uses a 3D computer imaging system that illustrates the full treatment that the patient needs, beginning with the primary placing of the teeth towards the best position possible.

graphic showing cutaway of teeth, with three teeth being implants in jaw

How Safe Are Dental Implants?

When patients consider their options to replace missing teeth, many appreciate the numerous benefits that dental implants offer over traditional removable dentures.

patient having ultraviolet light shined in mouth

Facts About Teeth Bonding

Teeth bonding is much less expensive and invasive when compared to other types of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures.

young woman smiling at camera, giving a thumbs up

Reading Dentist Reviews: Pomona Dentist Search

When you need dental care, one of the best ways that you can find a good dentist is to read through dentist reviews. A dentist review is a written account authored by a professional or a patient of based on their experience in the dental office. It is an unbiased view of the dentist’s professionalism, … Read more

children smiling happily

Importance of Children’s Teeth from 6-12

Now that your child has all of their teeth and have a cute smile, take lots of pictures, because now comes the part where all their little teeth are going to start falling out! At about age five or six, children begin to lose their top and bottom front teeth. Between the ages of six … Read more

graphic with image of pregnant woman, text reading "dental care during pregnancy, have a dental checkup during & after pregnancy"

Dental Health During Pregnancy

Did you know that pregnancy can cause changes in the mouth gums and teeth, even in the healthiest women? That’s why it is important to go to the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. Dental x-rays and anesthesia are rarely dangerous to unborn baby, even during the first trimester. Dental X-rays are among the safest, … Read more

woman drinking water out of glass

Dry Mouth Causes and Treatment

Dry mouth, sometimes referred to as xerostomia, can happen to anyone. This condition occurs when your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva to keep it moist. Everyone experiences dry mouth from time to time, such as when thirsty, hot, stressed, or anxious. Chronic (recurrent) dry mouth, however, is a medical condition requiring attention. Causes of Dry … Read more

toothbrush underneath text reading "oral health = overall health"

The importance of oral health and your body

New research suggests that the health of your mouth mirrors the condition of your body as a whole. For example, when your mouth is healthy,chances are your overall health is good, too. Research also shows that good oral health may actually prevent certain diseases from occurring. In some cases, oral problems can be a symptom … Read more

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