
Problems with Conventional Dentures

Problems with Conventional Dentures

Tooth loss is something that can come from injury, infection, or age. When you are missing one or more teeth, it is important to seek restorative dentistry options ASAP. But often, that can be more easily said than done. Our Dental Care of Pomona experts have noted some of the common problems with conventional dentures that make our patients afraid to seek proper dental care.

Problems with Conventional Dentures

An essential part of dental care in Pomona is finding an effective treatment solution for missing or damaged teeth. Stay informed about the pros and cons of conventional dentures, and find out how implant-supported dentures can set you up for a lifetime of good oral health.

What Are Dentures?

The oldest and most traditional restorative dentistry option, dentures are removable sets of teeth that can be worn to help replace missing teeth. Dentures will allow you to chew and smile like normal, restoring natural functionality to your mouth. They can also retain the structural integrity of your mouth and face, as your skin can sag when you have missing teeth.

There are many types of dentures available, but the most traditional type of dentures are fully removable. Conventional dentures are made from a mold of your mouth that can be adjusted for your comfort. However, as the oldest type of restorative dentistry option available, it is typically prescribed as a last resort treatment. Below, you will find some reasons why conventional dentures are less considered nowadays.

Problems with Traditional Dentures

Advancements in dental technology have made conventional dentures less desirable than other, more effective options. Some of the most common problems with dentures include:

  • Reduced Chewing Ability. It is more difficult to chew while wearing dentures, although they are still a viable replacement for missing teeth. Dentures can move in the mouth, making it harder to accurately choose or process your food. This is a sign of external damage that should be replaced right away.
  • Shrinking Jawbone. Missing teeth can cause your jaws to get smaller, especially when you go a long time without replacing them. Your jaws will want to naturally close the gap, causing dangerous shrinkage. This could make it so that there is not enough bone density left to create a proper dental implant.
  • Risk of Dentures Falling Out. Dentures don’t always fit perfectly in your mouth. There is not anything anchoring them to your teeth other than an approved dental adhesive that gives mixed results. If your dentures are often at risk of falling out, it might be a good time to consider alternative restorative dentistry options.

Don’t risk long-term damage with dentures that don’t fit very well. You can invest in newer and more effective restoration options designed to encourage your long-term health.

Better Tooth Replacement Options

Dentures have existed for a long time. But they do not necessarily feel or work like natural teeth. Dental implants, or dentures retained by implants, provide a much more effective solution to keeping your mouth in good health while helping you enjoy everyday activities.

Newer options include dentures that we affix to your jawbone with a permanent implant device. This keeps the integrity of your jawbone while securing your dentures in place, giving you a brand-new set of teeth that look and feel like the real thing. It’s important that you clean and brush them every day just like you would with your natural teeth!

Get Implant Dentures and Enjoy Your Smile Once Again!

Dealing with missing or gapped teeth can be dangerous for your overall oral health. Dental implants can replace older dentures that may be at risk of falling out or causing further damage. Implant-supported dentures in Pomona can strengthen your new teeth and give you a permanent smile to last you a lifetime. Give us a call today to schedule your one-on-one consultation!

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