
The Truth about Dentures

The Truth about Dentures

Dentures are simply removable prosthetics that help everyday people live normal lives. It is true that some of the negative stigma surrounding removable tooth replacements has survived in popular media, but those representations are, in no way, actual reflections on what to expect with dentures.

In fact, Bhavin Changela, DDS notes that major advances in restorative dentistry have made dentures more realistic and more comfortable than they were in the past. In fact, you may even know someone who wears dentures now, but it would be difficult for you to tell. If you don’t know what to expect with dentures, get in touch with your Pomona dentist to discuss more!

What Exactly are Dentures?

The American Dental Association describes dentures as removable appliances that replace missing teeth. There are three major kinds of dentures:

  • Conventional: This appliance replaces a full set of teeth. Prior to fitting, your dentist will remove any remaining teeth and allow the mouth to fully heal. This may take a couple of months, so you’ll need to be patient in the meantime.
  • Immediate: This appliance is inserted right away, so you won’t have to worry about waiting for complete healing. However, there will be a preliminary appointment required to take the required impressions. You also may need to have the prosthetic adjusted or remade if your jaw changes shape as you heal.
  • Overdenture: This choice is only possible if a few of your teeth can be saved. In this case, the remaining, natural teeth will act as anchors for your appliance, which will give you increased stability.

However, it is also possible the remaining teeth will weaken with time, which will prompt you to switch to a conventional or immediate option.

Why Get Dentures?

Unfortunately, tooth decay and gum disease plague most of American society today, so many people find themselves debating whether or not to get dentures. Many people avoid them because they do not know what to expect with dentures. It may seem a bit daunting at first, but, at its core, the denture decision is about your quality of life. Dentures help you to eat and speak properly. They allow you to easily smile at your kids, and they maintain the shape of your face to avoid muscular sagging.

Common Concerns

Most people up against the denture debate worry about whether they will look natural and if they’ll ever fall out in public. Fortunately, restorative dentistry has come a long way and your prosthodontist is more than prepared to take you through the acclimation period.

  1. Falling Out: Dentures that are fitted well and use an appropriate adhesive should not fall out during normal use. That may require that you avoid saltwater taffy, but you should be fine otherwise. If your dentures ever begin to feel looser, then talk to your prosthodontist about adjusting the fit, especially if you received immediate dentures.
  2. Looking too large or too white: As the American College of Prosthodontists reports, you’re in luck here as well, your prosthodontist went through three additional years of training to specialize in this field. They can help you to adjust the color and fit of your dentures for the most natural possible look.

What to Expect with dentures – Acclimation

If your dentures aren’t comfortable at first, don’t worry. That’s completely normal. It can take up to a couple of months for the muscles in your jaw and tongue to acclimate to the presence of the prosthetic. In the meantime, there may be some minor irritation and discomfort. It will pass as long as you keep wearing them. However, don’t forget to take them out every night. Your mouth and jaw will need some time to recover after a long day’s work.

The Essentials

When it comes right down to it, the choice of whether or not to get dentures is entirely up to you. However, it is important to take some time to think about how they could affect your life rather than focusing exclusively on what other people might think. No one has to know if you don’t want them to. All it requires is proper maintenance and refitting if you think they’re starting to feel loose. In the meantime, you can eat and smile easily.

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