
Facts About Teeth Bonding

Facts About Teeth Bonding

Patients sometimes feel discouraged at the cost and length of treatment necessary for procedures such as crowns, veneers, bridges, and orthodontic work. This leads them to explore other options to improve the look and function of one or more of their teeth.

Teeth bonding is much less expensive and invasive when compared to other types of cosmetic and restorative dental procedures.

Teeth Bonding Process

Teeth bonding is quick, painless, and requires no anesthesia. To start the process, your dentist molds, shapes, and layers the bonding material so it matches the appearance of your natural teeth as closely as possible. If you have ever had a cavity filled, you will recognize the substance that we use for teeth bonding.

Once your dentist applies the bonding mixture to your teeth, laser will be used to harden the material. You may be a good candidate for this procedure if you have any of the following dental issues:

  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Large gaps between teeth
  • To stabilize teeth that have become loose if the problem is only minor
  • As part of an overall treatment plan to correct severe gum recession

Teeth Bonding Benefits

Besides offering a reduced cost and a non-invasive procedure, the composite resin used in dental bonding is extremely resistant to teeth staining. That means your treated teeth will remain a bright white color regardless of what you eat. However, it’s still important to avoid habits such as smoking, chewing tobacco, and excess caffeine consumption in addition to practicing good oral hygiene. As long as you commit to these things, you can expect the bonding to last up to a decade before you need to replace it.

If you have put off dental work due to concerns about cost and length of treatment, we encourage you to consider teeth bonding.

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